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SLEA General Release
District Haults Salary Negotiations in Unprecdented Move
SAN LORENZO, CA - In a big power play, at Friday 5/17's bargaining session between district and SLEA negotiators, the district informed the San Lorenzo Education Association they are withholding their salary proposal until we tentatively agree on all other articles currently being negotiated. After two rounds of counter proposals by both SLEA and the district on all other articles between 9:00am and 5:10pm, we did not reach a tentative agreement. We are not scheduled to meet again until May 31st, in a last ditch attempt to conclude negotiations of our successor agreement.
SLEA's current contract expires on June 30th. It's more important now than ever for SLEA teachers and the San Lorenzo community to show up and tell the School Boar d and district leadership that we want an agreement NOW! Join us and tell them, we need competitive compensation and safe working conditions!
The next meeting of the School Board is Tuesday, May 21st. SLEA will be holding a rally with community partners in front of the district office at 4:00pm.
Please contact SLEA President Karen Rosa for more information:
An association for you, by you, fighting for you at the bargaining table.
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