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Contract + Negotiables

Bargaining Agreement
If you are a SLEA member, you are a part of what is called the "bargaining unit." This means SLEA (our union) negotiates for you, the member, with the district.
The SLEA contract lasts for 1-year, between 2023-2024, and is up for negotiation this November. It features details on various sections such as class size, workplace safety, grievances, salaries, and more.
If you have questions about your contract, reach out to your union rep, or any SLEA leader.
Salary Schedule
The salary schedule for all certificated positions other than management is a part of the three-year contract that covers 2022-2024 and is a part of the most recent negotiation sessions and bargaining agreement.
This schedule went into effect on July 1, 2023, with a starting salary of $65,083.93 and various increases to each step and column, maxing at $128,402.56.
Instructional Calendar
According to the bargaining agreement between SLEA and SLzUSD, the school district instructional calendar is to be negotiated between all three unions (SLEA, CSEA, and SEIU) and the school district.
As of Friday, July 7, 2023, the school district accepted our proposal for an instructional calendar with an August 16th start date. That agreement is the calendar you see on ours and the district's website.

An association for you, by you, fighting for you at the bargaining table.
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